Bath & Body for Men (7 options)

from $7.99
  1. “Easy Rider Cyclist’s Kit” by Gentlemen’s Hardware, including 3-in-1 shampoo (1.7 fl oz), shower-shave chamois cream (1.7 fl oz), & lip salve (0.4 oz). Oak moss & mint scent

  2. “Bourbon” Hair & Body Wash from Bath & Body Works “Men’s Collection”

  3. Shampoo puck by Duke Cannon

  4. “Serious Flow” Light-weight mane tamer by Duke Cannon. Built to control unruly manes, with a flexible hold and natural finish. 6 oz

  5. “Pure-formance” grooming clay by Aveda Men, 2.5 oz

  6. Nose and ear trimmer by Sharper Image

  7. Toiletries bag by Izzy & Oliver

  8. “Bourbon” solid cologne by Duke Cannon, Oak Barrel scent, 1.5 oz

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