Notepads & Pop-open Cards (21 options)

from $5.99
  1. Plain pink notebook by Moleskine, Sakura limited edition

  2. Goal digger notepad

  3. “don’t forget” illustrated notepad

  4. Magnetic apple notepad

  5. Magnetic “Plant Mom” notepad

  6. “Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire” magnetic notepad

  7. “Yes, that’s correct, and the horse you rode in on” magnetic notepad

  8. Gold hearts notepad

  9. Star sticky notes, two sets: “You’re a star” & “Shine on”

  10. Pink heart sticky notes, two sets: “XOXO” & “MWAH!”

  11. Black sticky notes, two sets: “WTF” & “OMFG”

  12. Pawparazzi notepad: “I just awesomed all over the place. Sorry, not sorry”

  13. “NO PROB-LLAMA” notepad

  14. XOXO charmpad

  15. Wine charmpad

  16. Minnesota charmpad

  17. Mindfulness cards: Simple practices for everyday life, 50+ prompts and exercises for the mind & body

  18. “Share Happiness” cards: 3 boxed sets of pop-open cards, each with different messages inside by Thoughtfulls

  19. “You Matter” pop-open cards

  20. “Thank You” pop-open cards

  21. “You’re Amazing” pop-open cards (for kids)

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